Vertigo is the false sense of spinning that will make you feel that everything around you will keep on moving while you are standing still.
There are two forms of vertigo:
- Vertigo in the periphery A problem in the inner ear or the vestibular nerve, which links the inner ear to the brain, causes peripheral vertigo. The most common form of vertigo is dizziness.
- Vertigo in the middle Central brain vertigo occurs when there is a malfunction in the brain, especially in the cerebellum.
Causes Of Vertigo:
An inner ear disorder is often the cause of vertigo. The following are some of the most popular causes:
- BPPV: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is what these initials stand for. Small calcium particles (canaliths) become dislodged from their usual position and accumulate in the inner ear, causing BPPV. The inner ear transmits information about head and body movements in relation to gravity to the brain. It aids in the maintenance of your bal. BPPV may appear for no apparent cause and may be linked to age.

2. Meniere’s disease is a condition that affects the inner ear. An accumulation of fluid and changing pressure in the ear is believed to be the causes of this inner ear condition. It can cause vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and hearing loss in some people.

3. Vestibular neuritis, also known as labyrinthitis, is a condition that affects the inner ear. This is a common infection-related inner ear issue (usually viral). Inflammation in the inner ear around nerves that help the body sense equilibrium is caused by the infection.
4. Cholesteatoma : The middle ear experiences this noncancerous skin growth as a result of repeated infection. It can damage the middle ear’s bony structures as it develops behind the eardrum, causing hearing loss and dizziness.
Vertigo is less frequently linked to:
- Injury to the head or neck
- Problems with the brain, such as a stroke or a tumour
- Certain drugs can damage your ears.
- Migraines are a form of headache.
Vertigo is a symptom, but it may also contribute to or be accompanied by other symptoms.
This may include the following:
- Difficulties in balancing
- Feeling dizzy
- a feeling of dizziness or nausea
- Vomiting and nausea
- Tinnitus is a ringing in the ears.
- A sensation of fullness in one’s ear
- Migraines
- Nystagmus is a condition in which the eyes turn uncontrollably from side to side.

It contains :
Betahistine :
- Betahistine is a weak H1 receptor agonist and moderate H3 antagonist.
- Stimulates the release of other neuro- transmitters.
- By after administration of Betahistine, there will be reduction in the gain of vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)
- Increases blood flow to the inner ear
- Also, Betahistine may speed Vestibular Compensation and stimulates Vestibular system.

Ginkgo Biloba :
- It manages the blood flow to relieve dizziness and balancing.
- Act as nerve specific antioxidant.
- Protection against oxidative cell damage from free radicals.

Piracetam :
- Piracetam works on both central and peripheral region in vertigo.
- It acts on the vestibular and oculomotor nuclei in ( vision control) the brain stem and thus control balancing of individual.
- It is like nutrition for nerve cells.
- It crosses the blood barrier and enters the cerebral part.
- It reduces signs and symptoms of Vertigo.
- It inhibits voltage sensitive Na+ channels resulting in more Ca+ ion balancing.
Cholecalciferol :
- It is a form of Vitamin D.
- It helps in reducing the chances of vertigo.
- It reduces the dizziness caused by vertigo.